The main objective to this assignment was to create a website that follows accessibility standards so that the site is optimized for search engines.
View Deployed Link View Github RepoUsing HTML, Bootstrap and CSS Framework, I built a responsive website that both easy to use on both desktop and mobile.
View Deployed Link View Github RepoUsing HTML, CSS and Javascript and a modified starter code, I created an application that allows employees to generate random passwords based on criteria that is selected by the user.
View Deployed Link View Github RepoUsing clean HTML, CSS and Javascript sheets, I created a timed mulitple choize question quiz that challenges users on their Javascript knowledge. Users earn 1 point for each correct answer. Users lose 10 seconds off the timer clock for each incorrect answer. Once the timer reaches zero, they are given a form to submit their info if they would like to be placed on the high score board.
View Deployed Link View Github RepoUsing HTML and CSS that is powered by jQuery, I created a simple calendar application that allows users to save events for each hour of the standard work day. I learned to use Moment.js to work with dates and times.
View Deployed Link View Github RepoUsing HTML, CSS and jQuery with Server-side APIs, AJAX requests and HTTP GET requests, I built a weather dashboard to retrieve weather data for cities around the world. OpenWeather API was the third-party server used to retrieve data.
View Deployed Link View Github RepoUsing HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery and APIs, my project group and I built a user-friendly website for travellers who want to find nice hotels and restaurants at their destination. We want travelers to have a simple website that can help them locate hotels and restaurants no matter where their adventure takes them. As developers, we designed and roll out a website to provide eat and sleep options in a streamlined interface that doesn't bog the user down with too many options so they can get out there and explore.
View Deployed Link View Github RepoUsing HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, sql and APIs, my project group and I built Hydrohomies - an application where users can rate and review beverages of their choice. With a very simple login process and clean, simple UI, it's super simple for a user to create a new review, read the reviews of other users, filter reviews by brand, carbonation, and/or rating, and add new brands and flavors to the application.
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